Whether general information, specific FAQs or downloads – on this page you will find the most important information about TachoPlus, the software for tachograph data analysis. If you cannot find what you are looking for or would like advice, please do not hesitate to contact our support team:
TIMO Your virtual
TachoPlus consultant
Welcome to our virtual TachoPlus advisor! He is your personal expert on all things TachoPlus and is ready to answer a wide range of your questions on all topics relating to TachoPlus. Whether you need detailed information, are looking for support with specific issues or are simply curious – our AI consultant is here to help you. Please note that all information is provided without guarantee.
Questions for TachoPlus
Here you will find the most important questions and answers, which we are constantly adding to from our customer contact.
Fines: What can I do and where can I get help?
- Stating the time in UTC time instead of local time
- Non-consideration of drivers’ manual recordings (e.g. when taking a break)
- Non-consideration of weekly rest time compensations
- Miscalculations during driving breaks
- Miscalculations in the daily rest period for journeys over midnight
This is why TachoPlus offers all customers and (as yet) non-customers the opportunity to have their fine notices checked independently free of charge. We can currently process fine notices from Germany, Austria and Switzerland (ARV1 only)
- Copy of the complete fine notice, including the address of the authority
- Copy of the driver card data for the affected time period
- Download files of the affected vehicles in the affected time range
- Your questions and comments on this and your contact details with e-mail address
As soon as your documents have been received, your TachoPlus salesperson will provide you with free legal information.
If you are not yet a TachoPlus customer and would still like free legal advice, you will find your contact details below:
Non-customers in Switzerland
Softproject AG
TachoPlus legal information
Bogenstrasse 14
CH-9000 St.Gallen
Tel +41 (0)71 242 70 70
Fax +41 (0)71 242 70 79
Email [email protected]
Non-customers in Germany and Austria
Softproject AG
TachoPlus Legal information
Bogenstrasse 14
CH-9000 St.Gallen
Tel +41 (0)71 242 70 70
Fax +41 (0)71 242 70 79
E-mail [email protected]
I once read about free legal advice on fines for logistics companies. How can I make use of this?
- Copy of the complete fine notice, including the address of the authority
- Copy of the driver card data for the affected time period
- Download files of the affected vehicles in the affected time range
- Your questions and comments on this and your contact details with e-mail address
As soon as your documents have been received, your TachoPlus salesperson will provide you with free legal information.
If you are not yet a TachoPlus customer and would still like free legal advice, you will find your contact details below:
Non-customers in Switzerland
Softproject AG
TachoPlus legal information
Bogenstrasse 14
CH-9000 St.Gallen
Tel +41 (0)71 242 70 70
Fax +41 (0)71 242 70 79
E-mail [email protected]
Non-customers in Germany and Austria
TachoPlus Fleet Solutions GmbH
Legal information
Am Bahnhof 1
D-72505 Krauchenwies
Tel +49 7576 97590 10
Fax +49 7576 97590 29
E-mail [email protected]
What does TachoPlus do with my data in the case of free legal information on a fine notice?
- We guarantee confidentiality for your submitted data. We keep it under lock and key and only pass it on to experts and lawyers for specific clarifications.</li
- We analyse the data precisely and compare it with the fine notice
- We prepare a report for you on all offences and make a recommendation on how to proceed.</li
- If necessary, we will contact the authorities and draw their attention to any incorrect offences.</li
- We will also provide you with the address of a lawyer if you subsequently want or need to take legal action.</li
Is there a demo version of TachoPlus?
Yes, we offer interested parties the opportunity to test TachoPlus for 28 days without obligation. If you would like to try the locally installed solution, please contact your TachoPlus sales representative to request a trial version. For the web-based solution from TachoPlus, you can activate a demo version with just a few clicks and in just a few minutes via the link provided.
Can I switch to TachoPlus from another provider? If so, how?
Yes, switching to TachoPlus is possible and uncomplicated. As every provider that archives and analyses tachograph data is legally obliged to offer an export function for the original tachograph data – typically in DDD format for official inspections – you can use this function to export your data. Once exported, you can simply import the data into our TachoPlus system. For further information and assistance with the changeover process, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Can I transfer all data from my local TachoPlus solution to TachoPlus-Web?
Yes, as an existing TachoPlus customer you can benefit from our free data transfer service. To make the switch to the TachoPlus-Web solution, all we need is a current backup of your database. With this backup, we will import your data into the new TachoPlus-Web environment and ensure that your transition is seamless and without data loss.
Is TachoPlus compatible with the new Gen2V2 smart tachographs?
Yes, our TachoPlus version 4 is fully compatible with the smart tachographs of the second generation version 2 (Gen2V2). This includes models such as the VDO 4.1 or the Stoneridge SE5000 Smart2. In addition, this version also supports the new Gen2V2 driver cards. This ensures that our customers are always up to date with the latest developments in tachograph technology.
How can my tachograph data, including data from telematics providers, be read into TachoPlus automatically and in the background?
Our TachoPlus telematics parser service enables the automated import of your tachograph data and provides an efficient solution to the challenges associated with manually downloading this data. The time-consuming, manual download of tachograph data is replaced by modern telematics systems that utilise the so-called remote download function (RDL). With RDL, the archiving-relevant DDD data is transmitted from the digital tachograph and the driver card via mobile radio and can be downloaded at any time during the drive.
Our solutions are 100 per cent telematics-compatible. The TachoPlus telematics parser service not only automates the import of DDD downloads directly from your provider’s telematics portal, but is also compatible with a large number of telematics integration partners, including
- Daimler Fleetboard
- LostnFound AG
- Renault Optifleet
- Scania Tachograph Services
- Spedion GmbH
- Volvo Dynafleet
- Webfleet Solutions TomTom
Do you have any questions?
We will be happy to advise you.
Find out why TachoPlus is one of the leading software solutions for tachograph data in Europe.
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